The idea was for the audience to enjoy some wonderful music whilst demonstrating some of Bang & Olufsen's equipment.
It was a most successful evening. The venue was full and the audience appreciative.
The evening didn't get off to a fantastic start, as Robin managed to fall over a wall outside, and arrived covered in mud. The staff were concerned and very helpful, but despite numerous attempts to remove layers of mud from his suit, he did have to perform minus his jacket.
Not that this mattered.
The set up used was Robin's own microphone, (Sennheiser 441) and amplifier, (AER Classic), played through the most incredible speakers you could imagine, the Beolab 9.
Not just in the quality of sound, which was very clear and highly refined, but also in their appearance.
They would not have appeared out of place in an episode of Dr.Who as they strongly resembled a pair of Daleks flanking Robin as he played, but the sound was incredible.
In fact here's a picture:

You can clearly see one of the speakers on the right.
During the interval the audience had the opportunity to admire the equipment and chat to the store staff, and later, to Robin.
The combination of high quality equipment and beautiful music made for a highly memorable evening.
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